All in all a refreshing beer that would be a nice choice after mowing the lawn on a hot day. At 6.56% ABV a 22oz would be just the ticket and leave you ready to do anything. But still, there's that damn lingering "lager-ishness", that "whatever-it-is" common to all lagers that makes me wince. Just a little. Maybe the old AB memories have just not faded enough. But I'll tell you this: for a person coming from the world of Bud, Miller, Rolling Rock, Corna, or whatever looking to step outside their comfort zone and explore the "new world" of craft beers, this should be your next beer! Get used to this and your next steps will be easier! For what it is and how obvious Port is in NOT trying to simply "parrot" a Bud or Corona, I give this one 5 out of 10 bottles.